animals that sleep through the winter

Discover the remarkable world of hibernation, where animals embark on a long winter slumber, showcasing nature's incredible adaptation for survival.


Hibernation is nature's survival strategy, allowing animals to conserve energy during harsh winters. 

American Black Bears

American Black Bears can hibernate for up to 7 months, their heart rate dropping from 40-50 beats per minute to just 8. 


Bats hibernate in caves or hollow trees, slowing their metabolism drastically to survive on stored fat. 


Only queen bumblebees hibernate, burying themselves in the ground to survive the winter.


Chipmunks enter a lighter form of hibernation and wake intermittently to eat stored food. 

Garter Snakes

Garter snakes hibernate in large groups in dens, sharing body heat to survive freezing temperatures.


Hedgehogs hibernate in nests of leaves and grass, their body temperature dropping to match the outside. 

Land Snails

Land snails retreat into their shells and seal the opening with a layer of mucus to hibernate. 

Wood Frogs

Wood Frogs freeze solid during hibernation, stopping their heart and breathing, only to thaw and revive in spring.